Béchamel Sauce Recipe

 Béchamel Sauce is a white sauce it is originated from Italy. It is made from a white roux the equal quantity of butter and flour and milk. This is a variation of mornay sauce. The alternative names of Béchamel Sauce is a white sauce or salsa collar. Marquis Louis de Béchamel (1603-1703) invented the Béchamel Sauce.

Nutritional Value:-

100 grams of Béchamel Sauce carries 105 calories. Total fat 7 grams, Carbohydrate 7 grams, Protein 4 grams. It also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron.


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  1. Butter, 100 grams
  2. Flour, 100 grams
  3. Milk, 1 litre 
  4. Pique/Cloute, 1 piece
  5. Nutmeg, pinch
  6. Salt, to taste
  7. Pepper, to taste

Method Of Cooking:-

  1. Boil milk with closure. Then strain and cool the milk.
  2. Make a roux with flour and butter and cook it to a sandy texture. Add cold milk and keep on stirring with a wooden spoon to ensure no lumps are formed.
  3. Cook till the sauce thickens. This would roughly take 20 to 30 minutes on a medium flame.
  4. Spice it up with a pinch of nutmeg and use accordingly.


  • Cook the roux until the sandy texture comes.
  • Pique contains clove, bay leaf and onion.

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