Puree Of Pumpkin

The pumpkin soup is a thick soup it is made from a pureé of pumpkin. It is served hot or cold and it is a very popular dish in the united states. Pumpkin Soup is a diet soup for the prisoner of war in North Vietnamese prison camps during the Vietnam war.

Nutritional value:-

Amount Per Serving
Calories from Fat 103
Calories 241
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 11grams
Saturated Fat 6.1grams
Trans Fat 0.3grams
Cholesterol 32milligrams
Sodium 1033milligrams
Potassium 709milligrams
Total Carbohydrates 27grams
Dietary Fiber 5.7grams
Sugars 12grams
Protein 9.5grams
Vitamin A
Vitamin C


  1. Butter, 100 grams
  2. Mirepoix, 250 grams
  3. Pumpkin, 750 grams
  4. Sachet d'epices, 1 no.
  5. Vegetable Stock, 1200 ml
  6. Thyme
  7. Salt, as per your taste
  8. Pepper, as per your taste


  • Remote Control: Yes.
  • Wireless: Yes. Type: TWS.
  • Waterproof: Yes.
  • Bluetooth: 5.1.
  • Battery Life:24 hrs. Microphone: Yes

Method Of Cooking:-

  1. Heat butter and saute mirepoix.
  2. Add sliced pumpkin and saute well. Add vegetable stock and let it simmer with a sachet of spices until pumpkin is soft.
  3. Puree the soup and strain through a chinois. Put it to boil again and cook until the desired creamy consistency is obtained.
  4. Serve piping hot, garnished with a spring of thyme.


  • You can also use half oil + butter.
  • Cut the Pumpkin into slices for the proper cooking.
  • Spring the thyme for garnish the soup.
  • You can also roast the pumpkin in the oven for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Blend until everything completely smooth.
  • And if you like to more thinner soup you can add more stock in it.
  • Pour your soup in the bowl, garnished with cream or parsley and also a crusty bread and it's ready to serve.

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